Good afternoon
The council are pleased to inform residents that two new benches have been placed in the village, with thanks to Tom Barry who laid the bases and fixed the benches. The first bench which was one of two that was in the bus shelter is a 1939 Seligman bench which has been delightfully renovated by Dave Mileham, has been positioned in the car park overlooking the Win, this bench was asked for by parents while waiting for the school buses. The second bench has been positioned on the village green and is a gift from Miss Gill in memory of her parents John and Margaret Gill who once lived at Sunnymead. This bench is made from 100% recycled UK plastic waste. All future outside furniture that the council purchases or is given will be recycled plastic, this motion was passed at the last council meeting.
The council hope that all residents will enjoy and make use of the new benches.