
Oliver Davis

It is with deep regret that the council have to report the passing away of Oliver, better known as Olly, the council and all residents offer there sincere condolence and sympathy to Jayne and Steve...

John Davey’s funeral

A small family funeral has been arranged for John Davey on Thursday 16th January at 2.30pm in Minehead. If anyone would like to join the family please ring Lynne 01643  851595 for details. At...

Captain Walter Godsal

100th Birthday for Royal Navy WW2 Veteran of the War in the Pacific  A Second World War, Burma Star veteran, will be getting a special surprise when he reaches his 100th birthday on December...

Annual Assemble

Good morning The 2023/24 Winsford Annual Assemble will take place were every resident is invited to attend on Thursday 9th May in the Village commencing a 7.30 with tea and coffee being available...

Mast Halse Lane.

Good afternoon. The council have been advised that the expansion to the mast for it to be operational for mobile telephones should be completed by June 2024, this would enable the telephone...