

Halse Lane Closure

Good evening, Just a reminder to all residents that Halse Lane will be closed from 9.30am till 3.30pm from Monday 9th September for three weeks so that Overreach can do maintenance to the telecom...

Village Green Closed.

Good evening, Just to inform all residents and visitors that the village green will be closed on Monday 9th September for garden maintenance, and general clean up for the Winter. The Parish...

New Benches on Village Green

Good evening The Winsford Village Green Trust are pleased to inform residents that the old wooden picnic benches have been replaced with three large recycled UK plastic waste sustainable benches...

Road Closure A396 Valley Road.

Good evening Just a reminder to all residents that the Valley Road from Stone Lane to Thorn Lane will be closed from 7.oo am to 7.00 pm for the next two days Thursday and Friday 15th and 16th...

Parish Council Meeting

Good morning A Parish Council meeting will be held tonight Monday 29th July in the meeting room at the village hall commencing at 7.00pm, a copy of the agenda is on the council website and the...

Woodland Consultation Notice

Good morning, There will be a woodland consultation forum held today Monday 15th July at the Village Hall between 11am and 5pm, to discuss the new proposed native woodlands which are to be located...