Winsford Resilience Plan

Winsford Resilience Plan

After submitting a Resilience plan to Somerset Prepared (part of Somerset Council) a grant was given to Winsford Parish Council to obtain storage, and items – wheelbarrow, shovels, brooms etc for drain clearance. There are limited plastic ‘sandbags’ stored here for the resilience team to use to divert flood water when necessary. An opportunity was given to 20+resilience team volunteers to have first aid training including CPR and defibrillator use. The defib is situated on the wall of the Village Hall and is accessed by the CODE 851999.

The resilience shed is behind the bus shelter and is accessed by a number lock CODE 8519.

In the event of an emergency in Winsford Parish, please ring Colin Wilkins, Chairman of the Parish council who is the main contact.

Also, where there is danger to life always contact the Emergency services.

You can contact Floodline for advice, and you can sign up for flood warnings – GOV.UK (

Floodline helpline
Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Textphone: 0345 602 6340
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find out more about call charges

Talk to a Floodline adviser over webchat
They are running webchat as a trial.  When it is available, a ‘start chat’ link will appear.

Property Level Flood Resilience

Businesses and residents who are homeowners or tenants in private-rented housing are responsible for taking appropriate measures to prevent or reduce the impact of flooding on their property. This is especially important if you live in a property or area that is known to flood. Using Property Flood Resilience (PFR) equipment is a great way of protecting your home or business from flood water. There are two elements to PFR.

  1. Resistance measures involve implementing physical barriers such as flood doors or flood boards onto the outside of your property, to prevent water from entering.
  2. Resilience measures entail installing internal equipment such as hard, waterproof floors and raised electrical sockets, which reduce the impact of flood water and make it easier and quicker to recover from the damage caused.

It is preferable to prevent water from entering your property, so resistance measures are the most effective.

Information on finding suitable measures for your home is available at