
Tim Healey

Good morning The council are saddened to hear of the passing away of Tim Healey who lived at Darby's Knapp, I am sure all the village send there condolences to his wife Jill and his two daughters...

Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Good morning, An Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting will be held today at 2.30pm in the meeting room at the village hall to discuss planning matters.  The meeting will be followed by a...

Marion Whitley

Good morning, The funeral of Marion will take place today at 11.30 am at St Mary Magdalene, all residents are invited to attend to pay their respects. Have a nice...

Exford Road Closure

Good morning The council have been advised that the drainage work which has been ongoing for the last three weeks should be completed by next Tuesday 23rd, with the road being open on Wednesday,...

The Henry Leigh Educational Trust

Good morning, The council would like to remind residents who have children and young adults under 25, who would like help with educational needs, that the next closing date for applications is...

Christmas Card Delivery

Good morning, As in previous years Sue Hayes and Tracey Staples are organising the Christmas Card Delivery around the parish, the closing date for your cards to be delivered to The Close ( Sue's...

Somerset Libraries – New Service

Good morning, Somerset Libraries have introduced a new free service to anybody who loves reading but is unable to access a library due to long term illness, mobility issues or caring...

Moor Movies

A reminder that the next Moor Movie, Limbo, will be shown on Tuesday 23rd November in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.  All are welcome.  Please see attached poster for details LIMBO Movie Poster The...

Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ)

Good morning, The council have been advised that the government have declared a prevention zone across all of Great Britain, which came effective from the 3rd November and means that all bird...

Booster Injections

Good morning, The council have been advised that on November 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th you can walk in to Alcombe Methodist Hall (Alcombe Pharmacy)  Minehead (TA24 6AN) and request your covid...