Latest Exmoor Patient Group Information Update – 17 February 2021
The next tranche of vaccinations, which includes non-professional carers – that is people who provide a care service for a family member or neighbour.
As the criteria for this tranche appears to be complex it may be that there will be queries asking for clarification on who this includes.
It is unlikely to include those who pop in to check on someone or who take/ deliver shopping.
Any inquiries as to a person’s eligibility in this group should be made to the Reception Team at Exmoor Medical Centre and their case will be considered.
Anyone who was previously aware of roadworks closure relating to the planned roadwork to take place in Dunster at the beginning of March, we are now advised that this has been cancelled.
Any anticipated disruption to traveling to Minehead Hospital for vaccinations therefore will no longer be an issued and patients will be able to get to Minehead as usual.
With regard to the yellow road sign which has appeared in Dulverton directing people to a “Covid Test Centre” at the Sports Ground in Milhams Lane, Dulverton, we understand that Somerset County Council Contingencies and Emergency Team, with the NHS, have arranged this.
This is a temporary outreach Covid-19 Test Centre once a week, currently planned for three or four weeks.
Continuation beyond that will depend on whether there is a need for testing people with the symptoms, and an appointment MUST be made before attending.
This appointment should be made through the Covid-19 website as for any other covid-19 appointment.
There is car parking for a maximum 20 cars.
This will be taking place on one day a week only, but which day cannot be confirmed for every week as it depends what’s going on elsewhere with testing.
This week, beginning 15 February 2021, it will be Wednesday, 17/02/21.
Plans are made for the following week on each Friday for the day/date in the week ahead and an appointment can be booked on the website.
As any further news is received on who is running this, how to get a test booked and who is eligible, will be notified to you as soon as available.