
A Strategy for Somerset’s Trees

Somerset is getting a long-term strategy to ensure its trees are fit for the future and provide a greater service to the County’s ecology, landscape and people.

Evolving Forests   have been commissioned by a diverse group that includes the local authorities, the County Council and the Wildlife Trust to help them formulate this strategy. Their vision for the County’s tree cover is a thriving tree population which is recognised for its strategic importance in helping us respond to climate change, the ecological emergency and the benefits of trees to people.

We want to know what your vision is and your organisation’s vision. We want expert and non-expert opinion, people who deal with trees in their work every day, those who walk the dog in a woodland occasionally, and everyone in between. What do Somerset’s future landscapes look like to you, what isn’t there now?

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes.

This Strategy is being supported by: Environment Agency; Exmoor National Park; The Forestry Commission; FWAG SW; Mendip District Council; Mendip Hills AONB; Quantock Hills AONB; Sedgemoor District Council; Somerset County Council; Somerset Local Nature Partnership; Somerset West & Taunton District Council; Somerset Wildlife Trust; South Somerset District Council; The Woodland Trust


Residents and communities across Somerset are being asked to take part in the consultation process and to share the survey link as widely as possible Somerset Tree Consultation.

The survey is live and remains open until October 21st.