Good morning
The Platinum Jubilee committee would like to give a big thank you to everybody who made the “Big Lunch” such a success with over 130 residents and friends attending (including three from the USA who just appeared), it would be impossible to name everybody especially who helped with the erection of the marques and the organisation of the green you know who you are and thank you once again, but a special thank you must go to Mike Hillier who supplied the tractor and trailer to collect all the items, Mel and Dave Mileham for the decorated Maypole, and of course Sue Hayes and family for suppling and knowing were every item that is needed is stored and available including organising the duck races. On the day the committee would like to thank, Wavell Urry for organising the vintage vehicles, Beccy Brown for the lovely celebration cake, Orla and Martin Jones for recommending and booking the live music, Annalise Cowley for making and displaying all previous village celebrations, Anthony Pickhaven for the group photograph, Clare Sams who compiled the Risk Assessment, and David Godsal for proposing the loyal toast. Once again thank you to every resident who helped, attended and made the afternoon a great success.
Have a nice day.